This week is come and gone, faster than I thought it would.. Already, its Thurs nite.. So.. Whos going to Yong concert on Sun? Yeah, DotA day is almost here, tmr!! Wooo.. Looking forward to it!! Why host can just DC pple on purpose?? That is so not fair.. Must find a solution to it.. Just banning the host is nt gd enuff.. Haiz.. So childish these pple, just becus losing then boot everyone..
Today's choir so fun.. We relearn the When you believe again, and seems like Loh taught us the wrong thing.. In the end, Yong had to correct us.. Today had a very interesting warm up session.. We had to do chords and do chromatic scales, so fun!! Even though tenor sucked XD.. THen Yong ask us to keep the chord while walking abt which he said that we must learn to listen to each other.. Sry I knocked into you Grace.. Wen Pu the cheater just stood where he was and did not move at all!! Wah.. And Yong nv do anything also...
Hope we can go overseas to join competition since its a rly gd chance to meet others and have fun XD... Hope the whole choir can go.. Maybe the ministry shld sponsor us XD XD XD.. den we can go Czech Republic and have some fun!!
Gone like a freight train, Gone like Ytd, Gone like a soldier in the civil war bang bang. Gone like a 59 cadillac. Like all good things they aint nv coming back...
This Sat church service is go woodlands and I no consent form!!!!! Gah... WP mus rmb help me get worr... If nt cannot go XD.. But then, parents might nt allow either... Lol... I need to buck up on my work.. need an inspiration to work harder!! Oh yar, Friend Withdrawal Syndrome has lifted!! I feel much better now!! Woots!! Yeah!! Now, my physics teacher has joined my list of most disliked teachers.. For some reason, I am a teacher wrath magnet.. Even if I did nt do anything wrong.. So stupid.. Like some1 near me talk and I got the brunt of it.. Stupid rite?? Today worst lar.. Ytd I thot my physics teacher say do one qn of a physics worksheet and show him on Fri.. SO i decided to do on Thurs, which is today, den today he checked it... In the end i nv do and he like dun believe my explanation like that.. Lame, then got punished for NO reason AT ALL.. He also lame.. My ears is my own, so if i heard, i hear wrong means others nv lar.. And i thot i heard correctly so nv confirm.. So stupid, den make me stand.. Now i lose respect for him liao.. Last yr was rozi.. Dis yr rozi nt so bad liao.. But still I dun like her..
Man What wld you do? And he said.. I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went 2.7 secs on a bull named Fu Manchu.. And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and I gave forgiveness I've been denying.. And he said some day I hope you get the chance, to live like you were dying..
Improvements I MUST make:
#1 Able to talk to girls.. Now to shy..
#2 Start bucking up in studies or wld be too late
#3 Keep promises/do wad I say I wld do
#4 Memory.. Keep forgetting things
#5 Throat.. Now v sore.. Can't sing XD..
#6 Treat my friends better.. Even though I treat them well enuff? But there is nv enough
Week past..
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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