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type what comes to your mind first whenever you hear these 40 words. Don't think and dont go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it! Repost it for all of your friends

1. Cigarettes: Stuff for losers
2. Sex: MaLE
3. Relationships: Bad
4.Your Last Ex: Blanked out
5. Power Rangers: Comedy
6. Crash: Car crash
7. Food: YUMMY
8. The Prime Minister: Overpaid person
9. War: Exciting
10. Cars: Beautiful
11. Petrol Prices: Numbers
12. Halloween: COSTUME PARTY!!
13. Stars: Wishes
14. Religion: Christianity
15. MySpace: Useless thingo
16. Chocolates : Tasty
17. Marriage: Impossible
18. Paris Hilton: Dumb blondes
19. Brunettes: Attractive
20. Redhead: Hair on fire
21. Politics: Nonsensical
22. Pass the Time: Huh?
23. One Night Stands: Disgusting
24. Mobile Phones: Essential to people
25. Pet Peeves: Harry Potter
26. Pixie Stix: Heroes 3
27. Vanilla Ice Cream: Yummmm
28. Potties: Smelly
29. High School: FUN!!
30. Pyjamas: Blanked out
31. Wood: Deforestation
32. Wet Socks: Icky
33. Alcohol: Sth I feel like drinkin
34. The word u HATE : LOVE
35. Your best friends: My doggy
36. Money: Nice to have, not essential to horde
37. Heartache: Grace
38. Love: Is painful
39. Time: Clock
40. Divorce: Stephen Lynch's Lullaby