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Well, also infected by Grace and Jin Zhe, so heres 5 random/weird facts abt me. (Technically, nt facts, just my honest opinion of myself)

1) I prefer animals to humans (generally, though there are few humans I hold higher than animals)

2) I HATE myself, yes, I possess ALL the qualities that I HATE.

3) I am a saddist, I enjoy watching pple suffer, yet I cannot stand the sight of blood (irony).

4) I know this is insane, but I think of Grace everyday. Soften this a little, and so do I always think of WP + Glenn + Dex, when I am nt wif them. I treasure my friends alot and do not want to lose any of them.

5) I am very shy and I am an introvert, although some might differ, but I dun talk to pple normally on my own vocation. When I c girls, I feel like running away, esp if they talk to me.

I shall now infect:
1. Tay Yi
2. Dexter
3. Glenn (IF he ever sees this and IF he even bothers to post)
4. HuiMin
5. Yih Fang