1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?
I hang it in my room.
2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?
Some cheapo free mousepad I got.
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?
4. From your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celeberity?
Any celebrity in the Sahara Desert.
5. You got a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?
None, I don do it.
6. Chicken or pork?
7. By the time you get to school/work, is the sky still dark?
8. If you had a choice to see a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?
I'd rather a dragon, but since its not in the choices, I wld say unicorn.
9. What was in your bag the last time you went out?
Assortment of worksheets, pencil box, and calculator.
10. What time does the sun usually set?
7 30?
11. What do you think of last before you go to sleep?
Her, in fact, I just dreamt of her last night.
12. AC or fan?
Why no natural wind? Fan...
13. Do you wear braces?
No, but my bottom row teeth is abit out of alignment.
14. Can you hand stand?
No, but I can leg stand.
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?
16. What level math are you in?
17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?
No preference.
18. Which subject is worst, English or Math?
19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment?
Play DotA wif my friends.
20. After buying something, do you automatically throw it away?
No, but I manually keep it.
21. CD player or iPod?
Wads this? Advertisement for Apple? I rather my own mp3 player.
22. Would you rather spin upside down goin 30 miles or drop 400 ft. into water? I'd rather spin upside down going 30 miles and drop 400 ft. into water. This way, I can win the Olympic diving champion.
24. What you got planned for the weekend?
Study, er... Study, and er... Study... Oh, and sleep too!
25. Have you ever gone ice skating?
Yes, but I prefer skiing more.. ALOT more..
26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper what would you do?
Open the door and walk out. The door ain't locked LOL!!
27. Is it always easy finding your remote everytime you want to watch TV?
28. How was your day?
Boring, just studying...
29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut them?
Why isnt there an option called lick? Haha, of course I cut them..
30. Describe your handwritting:
Untidy but legible.
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?
Maybe.. But I dun follow someone of the opposite sex on purpose.. Sometimes in my brainless wandering I end up walking the same path..
32. Do you bruise easily?
Dunno.. I guess?
33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?
I rarely even watch TV...
34. Do you know more than 3 friendster codes?
What's a friendster? Sounds like prankster.
35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?
None, I wld be too lazy to do it.
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?
Dotx, of course not!!! I wear a tux!! j/k j/k..
37. Describe yourself using one word:
38. Do you think bestfriends make the best lovers?
39. Do you like ice in your drink?
40. Do you have abs?
Not sure..
What is the best nickname that u ever had?
Do you think suicide is the best way?
Rate your social life from scale 1 to 10?
Are you in love with someone at the moment?
Are you missing someone at the moment?
Would you die for the one you love?
Do you think love hurts?
Yes, but I think its the sweetest feeling too.
Whats the best thing about love?
It gives u the greatest happiness on Earth and an aim in life.
Whats the worst thing about love?
Will you wait for someone you love?
Am now, and definitely will be...
What song that best describes your love life at the moment?
Let It All Out by Relient K.
Do you wanna get married?
Its not the qn about I wanna or not, its wif whom..
Have you talked to the person you love in the last 24 hours?
Sadly no...
Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
Keep.. I'm very sentimental..
Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
Opposite way..
Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
Pretend gay friend yes...
Are you sick of love?
Nope, definitely not..
Are you sick of questions on love?
Nope, but new kinds of questions on love would help..
What are you going to do today/tomorrow? Study and study.. STUDY!!! Perhaps go Glenn house and.. STUDY!!
What do u want so badly right now?
My $3600 computer!! If include whom den her :):)
Do you think money is everything?
No, but without money you are nothing.
Whats the song that u last downloaded?
Can't rmb... So long ago alr...
How much do you love music?
Alot, I listen to them everyday.. BUt I can live without them lol..
Do you play an instrument?
Yep, the piano..
Have you writen your own song?
Nope, lyrics only..
What movie did you last watch?
Do you believe in love forever?
What is in your mind rite now?
What to study later?
What song is in your mind rite now?
Let It All Out
This quiz was taken from Grace Yeoh's blog.
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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