Recently, I have been watching a Korean drama, called Lovers in Prague (NOT Lovers in Paris!! Different!!). It's a very touching drama yet it has alot of humour. It got more serious towards the end (Like most dramas.). At the start, the relationships were really funny, cus the main characters were very comical together. I spent 3 days to watch 18 episodes, actually, 14 only. I started watching from disc 4. Woke up one morning and saw my mom watching it, so I decided to watch abit to see what it was about. Then, I saw the second lead actress, who looked ALOT, and I mean ALOT like Grace Wang. I could just picture her there... Then that got me interested so I decided to watch further. After a few more episodes, I realised the story was very intriguing and the acting was good, so I decided to just finish watching it. So, I holed up myself in my mom's room and watched it for every hour I was at home (Which wasn't alot, hence it took me 3 days). In that show, I learnt something very deep.
When the person you love turns his/her back to you, don't turn your back to them. For if you look at their back, the shortest distance between you and him/her is the distance between your feet and his/her back. But if you turn your back to him/her, the shortest distance between the two of you is one round around the Earth.
I really like the second male lead, though towards the middle, he got really evil, but in the end, it was all for his plan to irritate his rich dad. His rich dad, btw, was very evil and prevented him from going out with the lead actress. Wah, towards the middle I was actually quite pissed at the second lead actor for being so evil, but at the end when his plan was revealed, I was reduced to tears. He was so admirable, he sacrificed himself for the benefit of the main lead actor + actress. At the cost of his own suffering, he had to give up the woman he loved so much, and whom he waited for for 5 years. Somemore, even while he was trying to win the female lead back, he kept letting her go to the male lead. He kept sacrificing himself and did not come between them. Then the female lead also like keep hurting him, I realli felt like crying everytime they show him alone by himself. I can sort of empathise with him, though I dun think I can be as noble as him...
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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