New layout and thx to Xuan Yang for helping me ^.^.. but taht stupid bg still wun come out leh.. Ahh.. wads wrong?? shall i try again but wif another pic in another format?? TT.. why my pic wun come out.... eeewww... hahaz, and if u wondering why my blog so much like dex its cus it is made by the same person and xy jus reproduced dexter blog, but i changed it abit le.. hahaz.. hmm.. gonna find out wads wrong wif my pic...
2dae is such a retard day cus in the morning i chiong A maths.. now finishing chapter 4 le.. woots!! hmm.. 2morrow dunno if gonna watchez movie anot.. who wanna go?? looking for more pple to go.. so far me n tay yi confirm can go le.. i thinx glenn will go.. haish.. mus continue our 1 movie a week trend.. hehe.. gonna ask Mr Goh also.. ehh.. ok.. now maybe ty wun go.. cus i remember him telling me taht 2morrow he wanna watch something wif the 201 kiddies.. well.. SYF is arnd the corner and we shld do our best.. gambatte!! oh yar.. i dun haf black pants+white long sleeved shirt.. how??? Oh no... dis weekend ending and i dun thinx i going out to buy.. ahh!! wads worse, i cant wear my dads business suit (i wun want to anywaes, make me lookez older than i shld)!! woots! my dad say he wanna bring me to Uni lecture hall to sit for his 1st yr Maths class!! but i think i will be like v extra de and dunno if can anot.. cus students pay for the lessons while i go for free.. haha...
2dae went to church and had to go latez cus my mom was so tired she wanted a rest first... hahaz, den went at arnd 415 and waited outside wp hse for him.. den we walk there 2gether.. todaes speech was abt u shld be bold and passionate abt Jesus.. Proclaim the Gospel and Matt(is tat his name??) was sooo funnie.. he sae, we wldnt climb onto the table and shout "Y'ALL SINNERS AND SHALL GO TO HELL!!" Hmm.. maybe try taht in sch?? haha, joking... And then he told us a true story abt the Columbia High School Massacre.. Those students are so pitiful.. their life ended becus of the insanity of a few bois.. 2 in thinx.. but den i was like Woah when he mentioned Uzis and M16s.. How do they get those??? wow... glenn told me he saw life-like models sold in malaysia.. Well, when u likez/believe something, be bold and passionate abt it.. God did not make u timid, God gave u the spirit of power (ok, i am blatantly copying but hey, at least i memorized ^^).. Den nt much le, Service ended earlier and i walk walk arnd the church be4 going home at 645... 2 bad cannot stay for Web Cafe T_T... Grace looks so angelic without specs and nt tying her hair, although she already looks great ^^... haish.. gonna finish up my remaining A maths sums 2morrow.. ZzZ.. at least i will feel less pressured once i finished everything ^^..
Yucks, getting bored of DOTA le.. Eeewww... now i gort nothing to plae le.. at least i gonna buy HL2 in June.. i so outdated.. it came out last yr and i m onli getting it dis yr.. and all for the sake of playing wif glenn in CS source.. Glenn mus feel honoured wor... lol.. My pocket got big hole now after buying BDae gift for my sis.. ow ow... mus recoup wadeva i spent... jus found out the evilness of hafin an MP3 player.. i jus leave it on to record songs off radio.. den siphon through and take those i want.. haha.. evilzz... and pls stop using EMOTICONS!! pls at least tell ur name when u tag cept those pple whom i already know/easily-guessed nicks.. thank you... re-reading encyclopedias now.. woo.. so nice to read sia.. didnt know i got such great books at home.. hahaz.. and gonna get the nxt Pendragon book soonez... Nothing to updatez le...
~Assimilation ended~ <----- Lame----->
Copied Layout..
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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