DISCLAIMER: Whatever is written here are my own thoughts and suggestions, and I will not be liable for any injury or worsening of situation resulting from the following of my suggestions, though I think they make sense. This post is rated PG-14, as most of it has nth to do wif little kids.
Actually, this title seems abused. I am not sure how many posts I have in this blog that have this title. Because it fits this topic well so might as well use it. I hope everyone who sees this post will go and read wen pu's blog, u can get there on my link, scroll to the bottom and its the one called Wong Wen Pu the Genius. Lol, I read his post and felt very inspired to write and essay on my life, but den again, I'm lazy, so HOW can I break tht?? I rly pity Wen Pu, but he doesnt seem sad, which either he is pretending he loves michele OR he is RLY brave.. NEways, There are lots of ppl in this world in the same boat, and playing the same waiting game, so when u guys are down in relationships, FEAR NOT!! For wif you are mani other sufferers and you will never wait alone. When you feel lonely, just sit down and imagine ALL that ppl who are waiting too, waiting wif you, and I guess it sorta relieves the loneliness. I rly hate it when girls ignore bois who like them, you dun haf to like them back, but at least show some respect, and not give a cold shoulder, as though the girl is v arrogant. They are humans too, they have feelings, they feel pain when you give them the cold stare. I guess that's why I can be so disgusted wif humans. My dog is still my soulmate, I always have him when im lonely. I know he will be wif me to the ends of this Earth, and that wherever I go, I will never walk alone. This life that I tread is full of dangers, but theres a watch dog and companion wif me, who has true sight to reveal invisible backstabbers. No, I will take whatever life throws at me, I will NEVER give up, that is the real me. Fight on, do not give in to life!! If you give in, you are a loser, as the saying goes, when life throws you a lemon, make lemonade, and btw, lemonade tastes Great. The nxt sentence is for Wen Pu and Imma paragraph, so its ez to catch.
Wen Pu, dun EVER give up, for if you do, you will never win, for you have given in to life. Take it in stride and one day, she just might accept you, and if she doesnt, do not be so sad, for you have done ur best and haf no regrets, and at least, you have lemonaded (I know theres no such word, but what the heck :D) one of life's "lemons".
For me, I will not give up either, but will move on with life, for I believe if there's fate, our paths will cross again in the future, and if not fated, there is no point crying over it, for tears will not change ur fate, nor will it make her pity u and like u. Tears onli waste the water that you drink. So, be4 you cry, think twice, you are wasting water, unless you rly need to cry to relieve the pain.
NEways, ytd went to watch Narnia, which was a great movie and no, there will not be spoilers here. Just that ytd, we walked past this shop selling shirts wif cute messages, such as "Boss is like a nappy, always on ur ARSE and full of CRAP!!", and "If you think sex is a pain in the butt, you must be doing it wrongly." LOL!! It made me laugh really hard. There are mani more but I dont remember. This one is made up by me:" Ever wondered why Santa Claus knew when you were sleeping or awake?? BECAUSE HE USES MAPHACK!!!" Lol, it made me laugh also, laughing at my own jokes -.-.. Well, its not taboo anywaes. Today went class outing, and it was one of the best, mani thanks to MX for allowing us to go to his house and also thanks for the great dinner. WE played charade (pronounced Cha-Ra-Dee, singlish version :D) and I think it was fun, if ONLY we were allowed to come up wif our own words. As mr Goh's one are all so unheard of. Den also went cycling arnd, Glenn's bike is realli neat, it gives a nice ride, TY's one the wheel too big, keep hitting my leg (not middle one you perverts -.-...). And we saw MX's bike, RLY SMALL!! LOL!!! Why wun it snow. I guess, its a rhetorical qn. It will never snow in Singapore. I still rmb saying to WP that I will only marry him if it snows in Singapore. BTW, that previous statement can be rather misleading. I am a GUY and I am definitely NOT GAY!! Snow is rare, like Grace liking me. Sigh, I rly love snow, esp powdery and fine ones (most of em are neways). The first snowfall of the season is always magical, and I wish, I can see it again. This must be one of the few rare posts when I do not forget what I want to post. Well, I think its rather long already, so dun wanna bore u guys, hope you guys find inspiration in my post. Thks for reading :D.
Some random thoughts
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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