Today played a few games of Tree tag, and to tell you, I am kinda disgusted at the pple on bnet. Why? Because whenever me+glenn+ some1 else go infern and thrash them, they keep accusing us of maphack. Now, our accounts LegO.Horse, LegO.Cat becomes taboo in tree tag as ppl keep saying we maphack, end up we haf to use alias to play tree tag. Still, we owned them AND THEY ACCUSED US OF MAPHACKING AGAIN.. WHAT THE!! Such sore losers... Lol, then our last game for today, DotA, we played wif KS (Kian Siang). Wen Pu had to leave halfway, sad.. NEways, our team was Pugna (Cat), Zeus (Horse), Techies (Knight), Lion (KS), and Weaver (Glen, NOT Glenn Toh, jus that his acc is glen). Lol, such a lame team, and we won! Opposing team was Holy Knight, Tiny, Rhasta, Sniper, and Dragon Knight. Quite impossible for us to win rite? LOL, but we did!!! Oh, and we were like poking fun onto glen, not glenn toh, cus his acc is glen[ftr], so we were like woohoo!! GLENN ON OUR TEAM!! SuRE WIN LIAO!!! den he said errr.. thks for ur praise, but I not that pro. Lol, so I said so humble, and guess wad glenn (real one)? He said "As always.." wahahahah, ego maniac!!! haha, we won cus of funny things, we made the Tiny and Rhasta leave, by zapping them until they cannot take it. Lol, Rhasta had 1-11 den left. In the end, sniper also left, after we pushed mid. lol, all the free kills for me left T_T.. End game I had guinsoo, Travels, Half of Heart, and lvl 5 dagon, the 800 dmg one. LOL!! Glenn even richer.. Yux...
School is opening soon, and actually, I am looking forward to it, dunno wad interesting things await me nxt yr, and I am determined to find out. Face it with cheerful hearts and have fun. Is that not what life is about? Only thing making me feel sian is the fact that the first week got alot of diagnostic tests. Enuff to put me off. Just found out that, "There's just too much that time cannot erase". Sometimes, instead of helping you relief ur pain, time amplifies it. Which, in the hols, I didn't see Grace, nor for the fact saw my frens frequently, and it eats away at my heart and soul. I rly want to hang out more often, not that measley few days.
"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears." If onli I had the chance. "I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone.. But though you are still with me, I've been alone all along.." Its kinda true, I've been alone for a long, long time. Love leads to laughter, love leads to pain. How true, when the gd part of love comes, sure, you will be laughing, and enjoying every second of it, but more often than not, love leads to pain, and its real pain, worse than any physical wound. It scars your heart and soul, and refuses to heal, only the person who caused that scar can heal you with their touch. "Like heaven on earth when I look into your eyes" I'm forever in love with you..
Tree Tag
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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