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Happy birthday to you
You are so cute and cool
Happy birthday to Wei Ning
I hope you'll enjoy school :).

Secondly and lastly, the quiz that I was tagged by Grace Yeoh.

These are the rules: Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

1) I am SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER PARANOID so don't look at me if I don't know you.

2) I like applying pressure to bruises because I enjoy the pain that results from it.

3) I tend to day-dream alot, even when people are talking to me. To see if I'm day-dreaming, I'll be looking in one direction for more than 1 minute. Of course, it could mean I'm looking at her. Most of the time it's because I'm day-dreaming.

4) Ok, mayb dis isnt weird, but I can eat as much as I want and I'll never grow fat.

5) I love eating sour stuffs, the more sour it is the better.

6) Once I love someone I love that person forever, no matter how much that person disappoints me or breaks my heart.

Six ppl I tag to do this:
1) Grace Wang
2) Wei Ning
3) Tay Yi
4) Dexter
5) Derek
6) Wen Pu