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It has been almost a week since I posted, in fact, six days ago, so I decided to pop in one post.

I am currently recovering from an irritating flu. Hate it, so irritating, makes my nose blocked, so I cannot breathe properly, and my voice become veri "nasal". The sore throat phase was on Thursday and Friday, now is the Coughing phase. I dunno which I hate, but I rather not have both. Pon school on Friday, cus I too sick go school, and too sick to even talk. But now, much better, just having a bad case of blocked nose (Dreads Monday when I enter air-con classroom).

Saturday I went to Singapore Poly for a chemistry enrichment course. The most interesting part of it was perfume making. We got to synthesise our own perfume!! I remember I added alot of Cymbidium Blossom and almost nothing else. Afterall, Cymbidium Blossom sells for $2000 per KG. Our lecturer for that day was also the "judge" of the MOE for O levels and A levels test papers. He has to give the "OK" before the test papers can be used. He also sets the syllabus for O and A level. Cool man, and Singapore Poly is one BIG SPRAWLING CAMPUS!!! Their facilities are soooo COOL!! NEways, my class ppl made an interesting discovery. Perfume is the BEST insecticide. Wilson sprayed his perfume aptly dubbed "Pain" onto some ants climbing up this wall. Those in the immediate blast dehydrated and died, leaving their exoskeleton only. Insects are essentially just "armour" outside and fluid inside, and the alcohol in the perfume dehydrates them. Den those that survived, became drunk and fell off the wall. After that, no ants went near that area. Cool. Insecticide that actually smells nice!!

After that nth much, Sunday was boring, now onli left me and my mom at home. My sis stay over at her fren's place. My dad overseas. House soooo lonely... Ah, tmr musical cannot use scripts!! Anywaes, I think I memorized liao. AH! I FORGOT DANCE STEPS! Ah well, maybe I will magically recall.