Todae was the 1st day of sch.. and believe me.. it was totally unbearable for me.. probably dates back to last nite cus i had insomnia and cldnt sleep till quite late.. didnt know the time lol.. den todae had headache and felt sleeeepy... Oh no! I contracted the Tay Yi diesease!! hahaz.. i dun do work, feels sleepy in lesson, and get headache! OMG!! haish, gonna rush my hw nw, dun wanna lag too far behind.. actually, onli in A maths.. hmm.. gonna do my Log questions 2morrow since i did nt bring my txtbk back todae..
What was important todae was nt lessons, but rather, choir.. well.. nt choir.. its wad HAPPENED in choir.. which made me regret (woah, few things make me regret) of the choice i made.. jus finished watching fafner ep 9 and it made me think that most of the time, to get something, we haf to give up another thing.. and i was so angry when soushi lamented at losing a fafner and not losing a human!! omg!! i rly pity kasugai kouyou.. his parents are such a******s.. i rly felt my anger towards them swell up inside me.. their son jus got assimilated and they wanted another.. and in order to get another, they wanted to kill their current son.. and wads more, they said he was a failure for nt being able to kill even a festum.. okok, now to explain what is assimilation.. its what the festums do to you.. they remove what u have, ur sense, ur ability to think, ur memory and most importantly, ur feelings.. u will become a zombie.. and become one wif them as festums have no feelings.. well, if ur wondering what are festums, they are these golden angelic (or nt so angelic) beings (nt even beings, aliens!) who assimilates human cus they wanna wipe em out.. well, enuff of soukyuu, now its reality, nt genjutsu (illusion/fakies). todae in choir, nearly whole front row of boys didnt turn up, onli haf alex and hanif. den was a big gap between hanif and Grace.. at first Loh didnt care, he jus conducted the choir and we sang as per normal.. den later, for some unknown reason, the whole mid row moved to the back row.. so i moved along.. dats when Loh suddenly said "why is there a hole in the mid? come to the front!" den me was like in the part where there was a gap and also happened to be the seat nxt to Grace.. so he made me and xiao bai (sry, dun know his real name) go to the front.. den the sops were like wooooo!! den mr loh v evil lor, sae what is wrong wif standing beside grace? u lose out isit? then well, i tot i heard hui yang sae "no lar he zhuan dao" -.-".. well actually, i zhuan lar.. but i was damn embarrased so i left a like metre gap and den stood closer to xiao bai (ok, i m NOT gay).. haish, den the sops, namely wen ying and grace chia, nt wang, and turtle started moving to the left making grace wang move closer to me.. den in the end, mr loh allowed us all to sit, but was too close le.. if i sit i wld touch her.. and well, v embarrasing.. so i moved to the back.. bad move.. actually i sincerely wanted to seat beside her.. but den embarrasment got the better of me and i moved to the back.. T_T.. now i rly regretted my action.. haish.. it was a rare opportunity dat out of a moment of stupidity i lost it.. well, sacrifice one thing to gain another.. but it was a hefty sacrifice that i shld NOT have made.. that opportunity was PRICELESS!!! okok, i complain enuff le.. and dats why dis post ish named after her.. hahaz, cus most of it is abt Grace ^.^..
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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