Haish, actually i dun haf much to update one lehz, jus updatin for the sake of updatin.. first things first, i gonna stae bak 2morrow with ty and the rest to do A maths... wahaha... yeah, i so happi with me physics marks since gort ppl fail, woots! and i thinx i got top 10 in me classz o.0.. anata wa.. soko ni imasu ka... haha, learned dis new phrase.. try to decode! and no spoiler from ty... lame to the power of infinite.. tomorrow i gotz pianozz with new piano teacher.. sianz.. heard its an ang moh grl who is abt me age.. o.0! haiz.. but i wun haf change of heart ^.^! yesh, mus be loyal to the grl u like... haish, i wish i can watch fafner, waitin for it... so long, so painful, Lord or DOTA save me... of which DOTA is more accesible ^.^... actually lookin forward to piano 2morrow, haha... 2morrow promises to be a better dae than todae.. hopefully fingers crossed.. gonna watch TV soon... sianz... haish, hope i can sleep todae, been havin insomnia for the past 3 days.. kesou... todae jus added my dp to beautify the blog with kazuki! and i wanna change me blog theme to fafner but so few gd pics.. sian diao... now i rly wish to be able to sleep at 10 and nt lag lag lag until 12 o.0! haish, den 2morrow go sch no energy.. actually, i nid 2 sleep at 8 den gort energy.. dunno why am i such a hvy sleeper.. hopefully 2morrow also can plae DOTA... everydae is a surprise and i hope to face ea coming dae with enthusiasm.. optimism is better than bein pessimistic.. i find something v confusing.. why isit that u dun dare to talk to some1 u like yet dare to talk to some1 u dun like.. shldnt it be the other way round? haish, it takes courage to look the person u like in the eye for 1 min and talk.. difficult difficult.. haiz.. most of e time ur eyes wander off and nt focus on that person.. strange... haha, better nt think of such things now, gonna flood me brain with too mani worries... i feel like throwing all my worries away but doin that wld mean givin up and nt facing it.. nvm, things normally sort themselves up as long as u dun interfere uneccesarily.. nothin much liaoz.. by the time u read until here, u haf wasted 1 min of ur valuable life...
About Me
- Johan / ヨハン
Welcome to my blog where I update on stuff regarding ANIME, GAMES, and FIGURES. Although mostly will pertain to my personal life. Please do leave comments within the posts as I am too lazy to get a tagboard (besides, tagboards always degenerate into chatting sessions).
私のブログにようこそ。 アニメやゲームやフィグリンについて、記事を書くつもりです。ぜっひポストの中にコメントを置いて下さい。
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