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I just realised how anger realli works. Something pisses you off, but not enuff to make you rly mad, but once the fire has started, it will slowly burn and den get bigger and bigger. Soon, every small thing that does not go your way starts to piss you off.

I was realli angry today as I went home. I was angry at my "friends". In fact, I am starting to think that they do NOT even treat me as a friend. I am obv not angry at them for eating in the canteen and not in somewhere where I want to eat. Normally, I will just follow suit and eat in the canteen. But today, I got SO mad that I just left them. I got mad, because they waited for Ting Jun. Not entirely for that reason, I got nothing against Ting Jun, but the fact that they are willing to wait like 15-30 mins for Ting Jun and not even wait 5 mins for me made me VERI angry. I felt cheated. Why shud I care for them. THey can go and die for all I care. In fact, frm now on, if you do not care abt me, I am NOT going to care about you. I will say hurtful things and I am not going to care about how you feel. I shud have done this long ago. But it already became part of my character to be nice to pple and I HATE that. CUS I KEEP GETTING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF! I wld prefer my Pri school frens. THose are true frens, not my twisted Sec school frens. Now, I onli count WP as my friend, the rest, I am NOT going to care, they are my DotA mates. NOTHING else. Maybe Dexter, but I was nv close to Dexter to start of wif.

NEways, as I walked out of school, small things that dun bother me bothered me alot. Like pple in my way while walking, normally I wld just walk off the pavement, but today, I banged into them. It was on purpose of course, but I was too angry to care about anyone. I felt like I cld kill some1 if they wld be in my way even for 10 seconds. While walking I thought to myself, what wld happen if ppl in my life were to die or disappear. My summary:

Glenn- I will stop playing DotA
Dexter- I will notice it, and maybe just feel sth lost
Wei Zhong- I wun notice it
Tay Yi- I will notice, I wun care
Wen Pu- I think I will cry and will definitely feel very sad and I might even quit school. School will definitely not be the same without him. Definitely my best friend.
Grace- I dunno, cus I am a newbie to love.
Family- Self-explanatory, I will definitely feel sad.

I think TY is pretty dumb. I mean, I dun even think Glenn and the rest actually cares about him. Why does he keep wanting to go wif them if they dun care about him? In fact, I think TY is worse off than me, but dunno why he still holding on to them. I think TY shud try to change them or just heck care about them. That's wad I intend to do, but nt sure if i can do it for I hate loneliness. I think I will just stick wif WP now. Maybe I shud attach value to ppl now.

Glenn- I wun lose a DotA game wif him
Dexter- Livens atmosphere
Wei Zhong- No value
Tay Yi- No value
Wen Pu- Priceless, friend, some1 I can confide in, companion

Most of my anger already dissipated. Thks to time and my dog. Actually, my blog has proven that men's best friend is an animal. My best friend now is my dog and Wen Pu. If my "friends" find what I posted offensive, good, since I even descended to hating you all for about 10-15 mins, right now is just pissed. If not, I dun care. This is all I want to blog about.